DEADLINE | 28 September 2023 |
STUDY IN | Germany |
PROVIDER | Bonn International University |
STUDY LEVEL | Fellowship, Post Doc |
SUBJECTS | All Subjects |
FUNDING TYPE | Fully Funded Scholarships |
The Bonn International University Fellowship 2024 is for all global researchers. Post-doctoral researchers and experienced educators with a hard international reputation in their field of education who do research and/or teach at a university or research organization workers. Application agreement is small to university employees. The tenure of this program is 12 days.
Scholarship Eligibility
The eligibility standard for the Bonn International University Fellowship 2024 is stated below:
1. The candidates must be postdoctoral professor /researcher.
2. This fellowship program is for international candidates.
3. The applicants must have excellence in their respective areas of research.
4. The allowed applicants should have a reputational background for teaching and research abroad.
5. No test is needed for this Bonn fellowship program.
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Scholarship Benefits
The benefits of the Bonn International University Fellowship 2024 are:
1. Applicants will get an allowance of €160 every day to cover travel spending.
2. Allowance of €500 per proposal will be provided to the researcher.
3. Fellows gain international exposure.
4. Researchers will obtain daily compensation for assistance with transportation charges.
5. The fellows will have an opportunity to work with top-class researchers and the best faculty.
6. The fellowship program provides a broad range of learning chances and a prosperous career.
7. By gaining subjection to new methodologies and techniques, the researchers latest their professional development and growth.
8. Researchers will obtain an opportunity to grow.
How to Apply for Bonn International Fellowships?
Make an online application to enroll for Bonn International University Fellowship 2024. Do check the official website for an online application document. Upload the forms and the research proposal. Based on the standard of the research and the eligibility standard. The chosen committee will review all the given in the application. The successful candidates will get a provides letter describing the fellowship’s details.