DEADLINE | 1 March 2024 |
STUDY IN | Germany |
PROVIDER | New Europe College |
STUDY LEVEL | Fellowship , Post Doc |
SUBJECTS | Subjects offered by the university |
FUNDING TYPE | Fully Funded Scholarships |
Start your study adventure in Germany. The New Europe College Scholarships Fully Funded 2024 are available to Ukrainian nationals. It is provided for post-degrees in humanities and social sciences, law, and business. The last date for submitting your application is March 1, 2024. New Europe College offered this scholarship. It was shown by New Europe College, an organization for advanced study in Bucharest, Romania. Applications are being received from Romanian and foreign postdoctoral professors in all humanities and social science subjects, including economics and law.
The eligibility criteria for the New Europe College Scholarships Fully Funded 2024 are stated below:
1. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree.
2. Applicants who are less than 40 years old and those who haven’t accepted the NEC Fellowship recently will be better.
3. Applicants enrolling in NEC Fellowships must have a good command of the English language.
The New Europe College Scholarships Fully Funded 2024 will offer a monthly allowance of 850 euros (tax-free), accommodation in Bucharest, consisting of living quarters and working space, and reimbursement of travel prices from the home or residence country to Bucharest and back. Fellows who stay for the entire educational year are provided with a one-month research trip to an organization of their choice. Fellows have free access to the NEC library and electronic funds.