DEADLINE | 28 August 2023 |
STUDY IN | New Zealand |
PROVIDER | Global Research Alliance On Agricultural Greenhouse Gases |
STUDY LEVEL | Fellowship , Research Program , Phd , Training |
SUBJECTS | Subjects offered by the university |
FUNDING TYPE | Fully Funded Scholarships |
Start your study adventure in New Zealand. The GRA Fellowship in New Zealand 2024 is a linked capability of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and Mitigate+: Research for Low Emissions Food Systems. People from progressing countries can enroll in this Ph.D. program in New Zealand.
Scholarship Eligibility
The eligibility standard for the GRA Fellowship in New Zealand 2024 are stated below:
1. Individuals enrolling for the Programme should be from a nation of progressing countries, be undertaking their Ph.D. in a University merit in a progressing country, and should not have lastly been awarded a CLIFF-GRADS fund.
2. Preference will be provided to candidates enrolling for opportunities outside their home country/ country of
study to inspire the building of worldwide networks and connections through this program.
3. Candidates must have a background in agriculture and climate change research and be starting graduate research connected to agricultural greenhouse gas quantification.
4. Candidates should be presently applied Ph.D. students in a field related to quantifying greenhouse gas emissions or carbon sequestration in agricultural systems.
Scholarship Benefits
The benefits of the GRA Fellowship in New Zealand 2024 are:
1. Chosen candidates will be funded in the worth of 14,000 USD for short-term (4–6 months) scientific training and research stays get together with projects related to CCAFS and GRA.
2. The funds will assist with travel to and housing and research prices at the host organizations. Funds may not be used for tuition or unrelated self-charges.
Candidates should finish the CLIFF-GRADS Round 6 online application document and give in the following required documentation merged into a single PDF file. Applications should be in English and applications that are in some other language will not be received.
a. 1-page motivation certificate (described below)
b. 1-page academic curriculum vitae (CV / Resume) that includes your contact information
c. Letter of help from your Ph.D. supervisor at your present university
Access the online application document here.
We will only consider applications that incorporate a single merged PDF document.
Choose criteria: The winning applicants will be chosen based on the following three criteria:
i) the overall level of research experience,
ii) the relevance of the Ph.D. thesis topic or other research experience, and
iii) the simplicity of the description of how the CLIFF-GRADS experience will better your scientific capability and participation in your future.
Application requirements are outlined clearly in the call for applications advertised on our website. If you have any last questions you may contact the Programme coordinator at cliffgrads@globalresearchalliance.org